- Please assure you have done the following.
- 1. Install a virtualization software. Check out Oracle Virtualbox, Xen, or Vmware Workstation. (Feel free to choose a different product.)
- 2. Grab a x86 OS from: Microsoft Free VM Windows OS Images
- 3. Grab a copy of Remnux OVA: REMNUX OVA
- 4. Import the Microsoft VM and REmnux OVA. Snapshot after install.
- 5. Execute the Flare install script on the Microsoft VM. FLARE Install Instructions
- 6. Snapshot the Microsoft VM.
- 7. Install the Virtualization tools for your host software on the Microsoft Guest and Remnux.
- 8. Snapshot the Microsoft VM and REmnux.
- 9. Update Remnux per the instructions here: Remnux Update Instructions
- 10. Update Flare Windows VM per the instructions here: "cup all" OR Flare Update Instructions
- 11. Snapshot the Flare WIndows VM and REmnux.
- 12. Grab a copy of Scar from here: "scar" Trojan Downloader (do not download to your host)
- 13. Stage a copy on the desktops of both Remnux and Flare VMs.
- 14. Change the network for both hosts to "Host Only".
- 15. Snapshot both VMs